Transformational Teaching (In and Out of the Classroom)

According to Columbia University: Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Teaching Center

Transformational teaching: emphasizes inquiry, critical thinking, and the development of higher-order thinking and communication skills.

How many of you remember the teachers/counselors that have changed your life? I have there have been many of them. Even though I never took a class from her, I would like to focus on a professor from Lynn University. Her name is Carrie Simpson. Professor Simpson asked me to write a play not so long ago. I was scared, I never wrote a play in my life. Long story short I went on Google to look for the parts of a play, not realizing Carrie already saw that I had the ability in me. Professor Simpson question sparked something in me.

Some of the poems and short stories I've written were like plays several in fact. Professor Simpson, like other amazing educators, see potential in their students and plant that seed of success in them that grows, that gives you the guts to push the envelope. Despite being in a zone that I wasn't comfortable in, Professor Simpson's confidence in me resulted in me writing Savor the Moments: Inspired by True Stories11 short stories of hope written in a play format. For that I genuinely want to say thank you, Professor Simpson.

Robert Watson is another amazing Lynn University professor wrote the Foreword for the book as well. Dr. Watson's constant support in my writing continues to drive me.

Here is a sample of what he wrote:

“In Desouvre’s Savor the Moments “Goodman’s gift, which is also the author’s, is his ability to be uplifting… his hopefulness is undeniably contagious; his empathy is admirable; his interest in the ordinary is extraordinary.”

Carrie Simpson's ordinary interest in my writing resulted into something extraordinary.

Share your story on how an educator changed your life.

As a leader in your organization understand transformational teaching can apply to work environment as well.

Below are Six Steps to Success I've taken away from that experience and apply to my role as a supervisor. (Feel free to add some to list because I know there are a lot more.)

1. Pay attention to your team members, guide them in discovering their strengths.

2. Encourage your team to build on their strengths.

3. Direct your team to recognize the areas they are not strong as simply areas they can develop.

4. Empower your team members by verbally expressing to them face to face (if possible) that they are more than capable to do a phenomenal job in whatever task you assign them.

5. Recognize your team for the great work they've done.

6. Work along with your team (roll up your sleeves) in areas you feel they need to grow in a transform those areas into strengths. 


Yanatha Desouvre is a # 1 Best selling author. His most recent book Savor the Moments: Inspired by True Stories is available on Amazon discover for yourself the results of how engaged educators can change things. The audiobook is also available on iTunes and Google Play

Happy Birthday to my baby sister Alive D. Sherman. May you have a wonderful birthday


Yanatha Desouvre is a # 1 Best selling author. His most recent book Savor the Moments: Inspired by True Stories is available on Amazon discover for yourself the results of how engaged educators can change things. The audiobook is also available on iTunes and Google Play


The seeds of success lies with your imagination


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